5 Things I Did
1. I went to my parents house and got to hang with them, my little brother and the animals.
2. My husband and I went to go to the state boys basketball quarter-finals (I think that's what it was?); a local team was playing and apparently some really great high school basketball was supposed to be had. Well, we arrived and the line was out of control long. There were at least 2000 people in line, it was absolute insanity for a high school basketball game. We reluctantly got in line to purchase tickets, not having high hopes that we were going to get in. We did not, along with about three million other people who were turned away at the door. Crazy. The local team won, btw. Here's a link to an article about the game, if that's your jam.
3. We had a local children's librarian come in and read to my class for March, since it's reading month. The kids had fun listening to someone who wasn't me reading to them, so that's always great.
4. I posted last week I think about my newest unborn niece's diagnosis of IUGR, and my sister had another ultrasound this week and the baby has grown! She is up to 3 pounds and doing very well, so we are very blessed and excited about this. My sister is due late May/early June so fingers crossed that this path becomes easier for her and her family!
5. I felt great, health-wise, for about 4 days and then woke up Thursday morning with a runny nose, sore throat and general misery that is associated with a cold. I'm over this. I am pretending it's not happening. On the plus side, my ribs seem to have healed.
5 Things I Ate
1. I made some smoked salmon, mixed veggies and butter herb noodles and it was very delicious. So delicious in fact that I forgot to take a picture.
2. I made a delicious smoothie on Sunday morning - 2/3 cup of kale, 1 cup mixed berries (raspberry, blueberry and blackberry), 1/2 a banana and 1 tsp chia seed. I used water as the liquid and blended until smooth. I hate bananas, but it was good in the smoothie!
3. Zucchini Black Bean Skillet - recipe will be posted on here in the next few weeks.
4. We got suckered into a Pizza Hut commercial the other day, and got a pizza along with a Hershey's Ultimate Cookie which is essentially a giant cookie cut into pie slices. WHAT THE WHAT? It was delicious and ridiculous.
5. I remembered a yummy snack and become obsessed with it again; cottage cheese and pineapple. SO good.
5 Things I Read
1. Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith (Leo Demidov #1)
I didn't have high hopes for this one. I thought it would be kind of too historical-ly and bo-ring for my liking. It was not! It was a great mystery/suspense novel, rooted in history. I'm not sure how much is accurate, but with my little knowledge it all seemed accurate. I will definitely read the second and third books.
I decided to read this book because they made into a movie, so I felt the need to frantically read it before everyone else decided it was cool to do it. I was pretty sure I was going to hate it, especially a few pages in - I was NOT impressed. But then, I got sucked into it. I stayed up way too late finishing it, reading the whole thing took me maybe 3-4 hours. I got little tremors in my heart, I teared up and I felt the need to go give my husband a hug and remind him that I love him. WHAT?! How did I go from hating everything about it to having some serious emotions over it? I don't know. It must be magic, or I'm a sucker for some lonely high school angsty love. Sometimes you just connect with a book, no matter how much you don't want to.
I read an article similar to this one last summer, I believe. Wear what you want, and wear it proudly. This is something I am working on.
4. Michigan Road Trip!
I have been to a lot of these towns, but this would still be cool to do. But they did forget the northeastern corner of the state where some pretty neat things are. Guess you can't win them all.
5. Is this real life?
I just never would have thought to even try something like this. Even when I was a teenager. Now it just seems like a waste of perfectly good Burts Bees product. Now I'm going to have to hide my products from my future children!