Friday, May 30, 2014

High Five for Friday (link up)

Once again, linking up to the lauren elizabeth and her H54F link up party! So, happy friday everyone! Let's get right to the party:

Sunday and Monday were absolutely gorgeous days! On Memorial Day we had a bonfire, and took some bonfire selfies. Also, the pond was looking spectacular. It was great to grill out, spend time with the family and enjoy the lovely weather.

Lots of reading to be done this summer, so I got it started after a trip to the library! Reading is my absolutely my favorite, and I love being off during the summer months and having the opportunity to get lots of reading done. I challenge myself every year to read a certain number of books, and the bulk of it gets accomplished during the summer.

I went with my best friend to go pick out her bridesmaid dress for my wedding! It was quick and easy, so then we rewarded ourselves with a great meal! pulled pork,  handcut fries, killer mac & cheese and cornbread -- yum yum!

4.  A few weeks ago, I went to the eye doctor and ordered a year supply of contacts. When I went on Tuesday to go pick them up, I found out that I also earned a free $50 pair of sunglasses! I love sunglasses, but usually opt for the $10 pairs from the store.


5. Today is my Dad's birthday! We will be going out to dinner as a family and then just hanging out! Looking forward to another great weekend!

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