About once a month I like to do a little round up of books that are currently sitting in a pile on my nightstand, waiting to be read. Often times, one or two of those books will deem themselves worthy of a full review of their own. I read so many books that I cannot possibly do full reviews on all of them, or else I would drive myself nuts.
I will definitely be doing a full review on this book because I was given it to do so. I just started it this past weekend, and I'm definitely intrigued. The writing style is a little hard to get used to, but I'm told it adds to the story. So stay tuned for the full review.
This book has been on my to-read list for a few years now and I'm excited to finally read it. It combines life with baking and sometimes that's just what I need to read. Some nice food/baking puns wrapped up in an identity crisis. Delicious.
After finally reading Big Little Lies by Moriarty and loving it, I immediately checked out the next book I could find. This book doesn't appear to have the same mysterious, suspenseful allure that BLL had - but maybe it's tricking me. I probably won't do a full review on this one, but definitely watch my Goodreads for mini reviews and updates on what I'm reading.
This book was recommended to me and I cannot remember by whom. It's the first in a series, a mystery series nonetheless. I need to delve into a good series and I'm hoping this will be the one.
This a book that a publisher sent me to read and review, so that will be coming. This is probably not a book I would have picked out for myself, but isn't that the fun of doing this whole blogging thing? This book appears to have kind of a historical fiction/romance vibe which is NOT my thing, but I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
There you have that, the books that are currently waiting to be read. What is on your nightstand currently?
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