I read the first book back in 2013 and immediately devoured the second book. I then waited rather impatiently for the third book to come out, all the while bothering my little brother to read the first two and wait in anticipation with me. He declined. I loved these books SO much, I bought him the first one for Christmas and I'm pretty sure he hasn't read it yet. Oh well. I just wanted someone to share my love with, and if he won't participate...I nominate you!

Ashfall is the first book in the trilogy. Alex, the main character, is a regular teenage boy who has been left alone for the weekend by his parents (and sister, Rebecca). For Alex, this means time to normal teenage boy stuff; video games, hang with his friends, etc. Unfortunately for Alex, the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts leaving his town (and most of the west/Midwest) in darkness, ash and increasing violence as panic increases. Alex decides to venture out and find his family. What he finds is Darla and a world in havoc.
My thoughts: I was so hooked. The entire circumstance of Alex and Darla meeting is so entrancing, and heartbreaking that I couldn't put the book down. I guess there is some perverse pleasure in reading about a world falling apart. I am pretty convinced I would just stay in my house and eventually die.
Ashen Winter picks up six months after the eruption of the supervolcano. Alex and Darla are with Alex's relatives and are trying to adjust to a new, primitive lifestyle in Illinois. During these six months, Alex's parents have not returned from Iowa. Unable to wait for them any longer, Alex and Darla decide to retrace their journey to Iowa to try and find them. But in those six months, the world has turned even more perilous than it was the first time they trekked through it; with communities battling over food and power.
My thoughts: While writing the description, I was thinking to myself...why didn't they just stay put? Obviously nothing good is going to come of their leaving and going out into the wild blue yonder. Naturally things have gotten worse. The grid is down. The animals are dead (from ash inhalation). Crops are buried. People are DESPERATE. Alex and Darla, keep your butts in Illinois. When you're reading it though, they make compelling arguments and you just agree with their decision.

Sunrise is the final book and it takes place about a year after the eruption. The human race has nearly been wiped out by the supervolcano and the survivors seem intent on finishing the job. Communities have turned on each other and war is raging, cannibals roam the countryside and what little government survived has collapsed entirely. Alex and Darla have to make the difficult decision to leave their current home and start a community that is entirely self sufficient and begin to focus on long term survival.
My Thoughts: I was pretty happy with the way the series ended. Naturally I always want to know exactly what happens forever and ever in their lives but that's just not plausible. Generally, I am sad and upset when a series I love is over but I felt great closure with this one in particular. Obviously, READ THIS SERIES. Let me know your thoughts if you take the plunge into one of the best dystopian series I have read.
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