Friday, February 6, 2015

Five Things Friday

5 things I did:

1. I watched the series finale of Parenthood. I cried 4 times, but I am happy Hulu has the whole series so I can rewatch.

2. We went grocery shopping at Aldi, just to try it out and see if we liked it. It was different that what we are used to, so the jury is still out, but the prices are REALLY good and we spent about half of what we normally do. We will go back and see how we feel after a second go 'round.  
Update: (I tried their version of Cream of Wheat and it was GROSS. So far, I'm not sold.)

3. We had a snow storm on Sunday and naturally we had to venture out to the store (walking of course) to pick up some non-essential essentials (juice, cookies, etc). It was beautiful and sparkly. We ended up having two snow days and about a foot of snow fall. About time you showed up, winter.

4. Had a glass of wine in my  Williamsburg Winery wine glass.

5. My oldest niece turned 7 on Wednesday! I can't even believe it, 7 years flew by.

5 things I ate:

1. The classroom next door made "dinosaur smoothies". I think they are called dinosaur smoothies because they are green. I am not sure what all is in it, but it was delicious and a definite pick me up.

2. Two words: nutty dunkers.

3. Pancheros. After a morning of errand running, some panchero's was necessary.

4. Another smoothie? I'm obsessed. This one had strawberries, mangoes, pineapple, peaches, blueberries and spinach along with vanilla soy milk. It was top notch. I don't have any measurements, but one of these days I will pay attention and share some of my recipes.

5. Made a super simple Shrimp Scampi that will be up next Tuesday.

5 things I read:

1. A Handy Guide for Using the Oxford Comma
Seriously, the oxford comma just makes SENSE.

2. The devil went down to Austin by Rick Riordan
This is book #4 in the Tres Navarre series. It's kind of mystery/suspense series, and it's pretty good. I like that it takes place in San Antonio/Austin area cause I have been there numerous times and I like it when I can envision places while reading. I will continue the series for sure.

3. Detroit Commuter Fundraiser
There is a man in Detroit who commutes 21 miles a day (walking) to his job in Rochester Hills. People are trying to help him out. This may restore some faith in humanity.

4. Teardown: A Memoir of a Vanishing City by Gordon Young
As to not be redundant, I wrote a whole blog post on this book here.

5. The Summer We Fell Apart by Robin Antalek
Pretty decent read. A story of 4 siblings and their non-traditional childhood and how it manifests in their adult lives. My only major complaint is that I feel like the characters are written to have no redeemable qualities and the ending is a bit flimsy. As in, the entire book is spent with this huge disconnect between the children and their mother and that is apparently all gone suddenly at the end. I gave it 3 stars on Goodreads

As per usual, I am going to be linking with Fitting It All In and her Five Things Friday. I am also going to be at the High Five for Friday link up over at Coffee with Caitlin, Cup of Tea, Bright on a budget and Della Devoted.


  1. Stopping by from the link up to say hi & Happy Friday! I'm enjoying the sparkle of a snowy week too! So beautiful!! I've yet to check out Aldi, but have heard the prices are great. Thanks for the recommendation of what to avoid if I do hit it up anytime soon ;) Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend as well!

  3. I still need to go to Aldi. I hear that there are great things there, at great prices! But it can be hit or miss. It's just hard for me to do something beyond the normal, everyday routine. Hope you're having a great weekend so far! Thanks for linking up with us at H54F!!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  4. We have an Aldi in town, but I've always been apprehensive of going. I need to try it out. And yes, I support the Oxford Comma too!!!

    Thanks for linking up with us!
