Friday, April 3, 2015

Five Things Friday


Five Things I Did:

1. Well after just being sick a week or so ago, I came down with a cold. I felt absolutely fantastic, and then BAM! It hit me. A sinus infection and ear infection. This has been a terrible school year for getting sick, and I am just plain OVER IT.

2. My mother in law had surgery on Monday, things did not go as smoothly as planned. Please keep her in your good thoughts.

3. The weather on Wednesday was gorgeous - we took the kids outside and just let them run wild for a bit. They napped like little angels.

4. I fell for a lot of April Fools jokes on social media. I kept forgetting it was 4.1 and being like, what?! and clicking on links. Then realizing after the fact that it was a prank. #gullible

5. I went through the bathroom cabinet and threw away all expired medications and sunscreen. There was an absurd amount. I am on Spring Break next week and some serious spring cleaning is going down.

5 Things I Ate:

1. Yogurt covered raisins. They are the perfect combo when you need/want something sweet.

2. Good ole blue box Kraft Mac & Cheese. Sometimes, it's just what you need.

3. Lots of peppermint tea to help clear up my sinuses. Is there anything better than curling up with a good book and a cup of tea in bed at the end of a long, worrying day?

4. Crockpot King Ranch Casserole. Surprisingly good. Recipe soon, I promise!

5. Can I have a week where I don't eat pizza? Didn't think so. 

5 Things I Read:

1. The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
I feel like this book was over my head and I can totally admit this. It jumps around a lot and I was easily confused. I have read great reviews on this book though, but maybe Mitchell's style and my preferences just don't jive. I am contemplating giving Cloud Atlas a whirl, but we shall see.

2. The Precious One by Marisa de los Santos
I did a full review on this book that you can find here! But spoiler alert - I liked it!

3. The Hidden Girl by Louise Millar
There will be a full review of this book coming in the next few weeks, but just to tide you over until then - it's a pretty decent mystery/suspense read.

4. April 2015 Book Page

5. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Yet another book that will have a full review coming soon! I read a lot of good books this week, and ones that I liked to boot!

As per usual, I am going to be linking with Fitting It All In and her Five Things Friday. I am also going to be at the High Five for Friday link up over at Coffee with CaitlinCup of TeaBright on a budget and Della Devoted

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