Monday, January 5, 2015

New Beginnings

So, it's been awhile since I have been on here. I blame planning a wedding, so in place of the wedding planning shenanigans I am going to get back into my blogging. I plan to start off with 2-3 blogs per week, and see what happens from there. I plan on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  But, I am down with change, and flying by the seat of my pants.

To start things off right, I'm going to begin with the books that are currently waiting to be read on my nightstand. You can find me on Goodreads to follow all of my reading adventures, but I do plan on doing a monthly post about it. So moving onward.

 We will start from the top and work down to the bottom.

This is the 3rd book in the Tres Navarre series by Riordan, and I have read the previous two. Tres is a PI and a Ph.D  in San Antonio, Texas.  When an English professor ends up shot to death, Tres is the only person willing and crazy enough to fill the emergency opening at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The police reassure him that they have a suspect, so all Tres has to do is fill the dead man's shoes. Tres has a knack for trouble finding him, and while this is expected to be an easy assignment - it is anything but. He naturally find himself doing some PI work and ends up in the darkest streets of San Antonio's west side.

Thoughts: I am what my husband likes to call a "finisher" So once I started this series, I know need to finish it. Since I am all up to speed on Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series I figure this can replace the need for a mystery series in my life. So while this may not be a book I would normally pick up on a whim, I am a finisher and finish this I will.

The Post family has a lot to celebrate while on their trip to Balearic Island of Mallorca with friends and family- a 35 year wedding anniversary and a high school graduation. When traveling with friends and family, it's only natural that issues (former and current) come to a head, and that's just what happens.

My Thoughts: One of my good friends read this book rather quickly and told me that it was a good read, so naturally I boosted it up on my to-read list and here we are.

When sixteen year old Tariq Johnson is shot and killed by two gunshot wounds, his community is thrown into an uproar. Tariq is black and his shooter, Jack Franklin, is white. What follows in the aftermath is everyone having something to say about the event, but no two accounts lining up.

My Thoughts: Full disclosure: I had no idea what this book was about until I sat down to write the summary. I just grabbed it off the new book shelf at the library. The idea behind this book sounds a lot like the Michael Brown shooting, and I initially thought Magoon was writing this book off of that. But, this book was published in October so unless she wrote it in two months it is just a strange colliding of coincidence.

This is a story told in the voice of Dinah, Jacob's (from the Bible, Book of Genesis) daughter. This novel reveals the traditions and turmoils of ancient womanhood - the world of the red tent.

My Thoughts: This book has so many great reviews, how could I NOT want to read it?

Flint, Michigan used to have one of the world's highest per capita income levels but is not one of the country's most dangerous and poorest cities. Journalist, Gordon Young, returned to his hometown with the intention of purchasing a home, what he found was a city of great contrasts.

My Thoughts: I received this book as a gift from my brother and sister in-law, and I am so excited to read it. I live about 45 minutes away from Flint, Michigan and I am interested to hear about the interviews and research that Young conducted for this book. I have read many books along the same theme, but about Detroit, and I really hope Young focuses on the rally power of his hometown people.

One final note, on January 24th I am participating in a readathon for the National Book Foundation. If you like to help support the cause, please click on this link to read about what the funds are being raised for and to donate. On the 24th I will be reading from Noon - 4 pm to help expand the audience for literature in our country, and to help fund programs that do just that. Help us encourage children to keep on reading!

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