Friday, July 3, 2015

Five Things Friday

Five things I did:

1. I was intended to go to a wedding shower on Saturday but I fell ill. So instead I slept all day and watched Hulu.

2. Spent some more time at the hospital. My MIL was admitted for the 5th time since her surgery three months ago. Needless to say, lots of discouragement and exhaustion from all.

3. Alan and I bought a new throw pillow. I know it sounds lame, but it's a very cool pillow.

4. I started watching Orange Is The New Black on Netflix. I read the books many moons ago, so I decided I better give in to the societal pressure to watch the show. :)

5. We made our first ever Craigs List purchase! It was successful and we didn't die. Victory.

Five things I ate:

1. Husband made some banana bread that was yummy. I loathe bananas, but the bread was top notch.

2. I made a teriyaki zoodle stir fry that was DELICIOUS. 

3. I started using plain yogurt in my smoothies and I added a little bit of honey - absolute magic!

4. I have been eating greek yogurt covered raisins as a little "sweet" treat. So delicious.

5. Obsessed with triscuits lately, not sure why but they taste better now than they used to.

Five things I read:

4. Me and Earl and the dying girl by Jesse Andrews
Full review coming up on a soon-to-be determined Monday.

As per usual, I am going to be linking with Fitting It All In and her Five Things Friday. I am also going to be at the High Five for Friday link up over at Coffee with CaitlinCup of TeaBright on a budget and Della Devoted

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