Friday, July 17, 2015

Five Things Friday

Five Things I Did:

1. My MIL had another surgery but it seems to have went alright and we were able to go down to the hospital and spend some time with her before we move in two weeks.

2. Went to The record lounge and browsed for a bit. 

3. We did some Detroit exploring - finally made it to the Eastern Market and Slows Bar BQ. We are trying desperately to cross things off our Michigan Bucket List before we move to Iowa at the end of the month.

4. I got a haircut. Didn't do anything interesting, just cleaned up the ends and such but it still feels so much lighter!

5. Started packing up stuff for the move. Blargh.

Five Things I Ate:

1. We ate dinner one night at Sweet Lorraine's Mac and Cheez and it was fantastic! All sorts of different types of Mac and cheese, I got plain ole bacon and cheddar. Hubs got Philly cheesesteak and loved it.

2. The husband made some banana bread French toast that was LEGIT. 

3. Got some Maize 'N Berries ice cream from MSU's Dairy Store. Pretty much tastes like blueberry pie, complete with crust-like chunks in it. Darn delicious, guys!

4. Pannu Kakku. I can't even. My husband has been on a cooking spree this week and I am loving it.

5. Got some beef brisket at Slows. I love me some brisket!

Five Things I Read:

1. Language Arts by Stephanie Kallos

2. Euphoria by Lilly King

3. Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen

4. Engagement pictures with a burrito

5. First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen

As per usual, I am going to be linking with Fitting It All In and her Five Things Friday. I am also going to be at the High Five for Friday link up over at Coffee with CaitlinCup of TeaBright on a budget and Della Devoted

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