Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Books | On my nightstand

Now,I read a lot. My goal every year is to read 200 books, and the closest I have come was in 2012 when I read 185. I am currently at 95, and am sure that I again will fail my mission. If you want to keep up with what I'm currently reading, I monitor all of that on Goodreads

I always have at least 5 books checked out from the library, so I figure once a month I can go over the books that are currently in my nightstand just waiting to be read. So this is the first segment of that - and there are only 5 books. Shameful, absolutely shameful. 

Going from top to bottom, since that just makes sense:

This is a story about Kathy, as a child she lived at a place called Hailsham; a private school in the English countryside where children were brought up to believe they were special and their well being important to the society they would one day enter. Kathy is now a grown up and she encounters two friends from her time at Hailsham and in doing so begins to discover and remember some misunderstandings behind Hailsham and it's nurturing facade.

Love love love Sarah Jio! This book follows June Anderson who is called to settle a family members estate and determine what is to happen to it. While doing so she discovers long lost letters between her family member and a prolific children's writer. 

This is apparently book #4 in her Ten Tiny Breaths series? I'm going to read it anyway, and then backtrack. Reese is used to making wrong choices, following her short marriage she decides to move to Miami and stop making poor choices. She has a misstep and after a one night stand in Mexico (as you do). Thinking it's all behind her, she arrives at work to find him there. 

Madeline is a life coach, but behind her front of confidence is the fear of her traumatic past becoming public. Then, naturally, a reporter begins to investigate the crime that incurred, threatening Madeline's facade. As all of this is going on, a childhood friend is urging Madeline to have faith in herself (and him). 

Kitty Logan is a journalist, she has recently been involved in a scandal and then finds out her mentor is dying. While at her mentor's bedside, Kitty asks, "What is the one story you have always wanted to write?"  The answer lies in her mentor's office, a list of 100 names with no other information. Before she is able to get an answer, her mentor dies. Kitty of course throws herself into investigating and while doing so begins to uncover an understanding of her own life and her mentors.

Wow, this is a sappy group of books. I usually have a bit more variety in this...ah well. It's real life people, sometimes I read 5 sappy books in a row. Deal with it!

What books are in your pile right now?

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