Friday, August 22, 2014

High Five for Friday | Link Up

Since it is my last week of official summer vacation, it has just been a chill week. Laying around, going for walks and reading. The calm before the storm if you will.

1.  On Saturday a group of friends and myself went out to celebrate my birthday! We went to a local brewery that I had been wanting to try, EagleMonk Pub and Brewery. Pictured is the sampler that C and I split, to decide what beer we liked best. I had about 4 favorites (out of 8), so that's a definite win in my book! It was a great time, and I super appreciate the people that came to help me celebrate. 

2. It's always a great week when I get to see this old girls smiling face. She was my 16th birthday present, and seeing that I just turned 30...that tells you how old she is. She continues to live at my parents, since it seems evil to yank her from her comfort zone. She has lots of land there, plus her best friend Mojo to snuggle with on cold winter nights. I love her. 

3. I have been going for walks everyday, usually to the library. It's been great to get outside and walk to one of my favorite places ever.

4. I am test driving some cars this week. Unfortunately my car has pooped out. That is not a high five. BUT getting test drive some cars is. I have had my current car...for 12 years. I have never really driven anything else, so this is kind of exciting.

5. We are going to be joining some friends for dinner in Old Town, Lansing. It will be delightful to eat some great food and catch up with people.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, see you back here on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a great weekend!
    I would love if you would stop by and linkup with me today!
