Thursday, July 3, 2014

Life | June 2014 Favorites

Happy July! I am going to try and attempt each month to scrounge up some things that I am currently loving and using frequently. I am not going to limit myself to a category for the time being, so it is literally just going to be anything I used frequently during the previous month!

With that out of the way, let's see my June 2014 Favorites!

1. Maybelline Color Tattoo cream-gel eyeshadow in barely branded $5.99
I have always been hesitant of cream eyeshadow, because I feel I lack the skill it takes to apply it smoothly. But Essie Button raves about this brand, and says that she uses it as a base coat for her eyeshadow. Well, with that in mind, I decided to give it a whirl. I LOVE it! Barely Branded is the perfect all over the eyelid color, and it really gives my powder eyeshadow more staying power.

2. The Body Shop jumbo shower gel in Olive $15
Now, I love a good shower gel with a pump. There is something strangely satisfying about it. I was skeptical about the Olive scent, but I was in Ulta awhile back and they were having a sale PLUS I had a coupon, so I gave it a sniff and fell in love. It smells so fresh and clean, I knew I had to have it. I have been using this shower gel for all of June and will continue to do so!
3. Beauty Protector Protect and Detangle Spray $21.95
I received a sample of this in my Birchbox awhile back and I absolutely fell in love with it. I believe this is my second repurchase of this product. I use it right when I get out of the shower, with still wet hair. I spray it all over and usually let it air dry. It smells so beachy and fantastic, and my hair dries smooth and tangle free. 

4. Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Dark Circle Eraser Concealer $7.99
I have been on the search for a great under eye concealer for awhile. I always look tired, even if I got 10 hours of sleep the night before. I love this concealer because of the soft tip applicator, it applies so smoothly and it doesn't get cakey. I have used this concealer sans primer many times and it works just great!

5. Diamond Dazzle Stik $7
My engagement ring has an Aquamarine as the stone, and when clean and in natural light it is a brilliant light blue color. When it has build-up (from normal day to day living) it can look kind of cloudy. I was in need for a way to clean up the stone that was quick, easy and effective. My best friend showed me her diamond dazzle stik, let me use it one night and I loved it. It lasts for a long while too. I bought mine at the beginning of the year, and clean my ring a few times a month, and it is still going strong!

So these are the products I was obsessed with in the month of June! Let me know if you like these types of post, or if there is something else you would like to hear more about! Thanks for reading!

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