Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up | Photo A Day

First and foremost, I am moving this week. So if I am slightly absent on social media, this is why. We are moving back to the land of high speed internet, so in the long run it will be good for this blog and my social media presence, so bear with me in the short term please! Housekeeping out the way, lets move on.

Once again, all prompts are from Fat Mum Slim and all photos were edited using the Little Moments App. Not gonna lie, I struggled this week with taking pictures. Here are my pictures from 7/21-7/27!

7/21 Basic: Just some regular old basic watermelon on a summers night. I was having a hard time with this prompt, for whatever reason, and the watermelon was delicious and pretty so...I used it. Gotta work with what ya got, right?

7/22 I wore this!: I had a hard time adjusting to life on this particular Tuesday. I stayed in gym shorts and a nasty t-shirt this day, and didn't wear anything that I wanted photographic proof of. So, my glasses seemed like a good choice. I took this before I went to bed, nothing like waiting until the last minute.

7/23 Macro: I had high hopes for myself with this one, but again, I just phoned it in. This is the letter E that is on my bookmark. It's quite small, and I thought I would be able to get a good picture of it. I didn't. It turned out blurry, but I kept it anyway mainly because of sheer laziness. 

7/24 Water: The sun was hitting the pond just right, so I made sure to capture it. I love this pond at my parents house and the animals it brings to the yard.

7/25 Home: I actually ended up taking this photo a day late. It's the house numbers at my parents house.

7/26 Fun: It was 9:30 pm and I did not do anything fun, except laze around and read. So instead C suggested I search for the band Fun, take a screenshot of it and use that. So I did.

7/27 Ten: These are my little brother's hands, he has 10 fingers. Once again, phoning it in.

That's it for the weekly wrap-up! We are moving on Thursday, wish us luck!

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